Diary of a New York Co-op Board President

New York Times By KATHLEEN HUGHES Buying an apartment in a New York co-op building can seem like such a great idea — at first. But just wait. There is often a steep learning curve that runs from happy optimism to weary cynicism. This is one such story, as I remember...

News: Town Council votes to appoint Bellis – Was it legal?

The Toas News (Toas, NM) In a vote during a special workshop meeting Monday (March 19), the town of Taos Council, reappointed Rick Bellis as the town manager. But the vote left several people in the public confused and prompted two councilors to later question what...

Quorum must be met to approve change in financial reporting

myPalmBeachPost (FL) Question: We are a small HOA community with 50 homes and an approximately $180,000 budget. As the time comes near to do the compiled financial statements that are required by Florida Statutes 720.303(7), we are looking at ways that we can better...
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