This Month’s Snippets:
What is a Snippet? Glad you asked!
A Snippet is a one-page article focused on leadership, meetings, or parliamentary procedure. You can download it for your own use, to give extra information to your board, church, house of delegates, or anyone who wants to have a great meeting. All we require is that you print the Snippet in its entirety – no fair changing content or removing our identifying information.
We announce the next month’s Snippet on the 20th of every month, and release the new Snippet on the first day of every month. If you’d like to get an email when each Snippet is released, join our mailing list by entering your first and last name and email address then click on the sign up button on the right side of this page.
We want Snippets to be useful to you. Let us know if there’s a topic you’d like us to add and we’ll try to work it in.
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Need a Previous Snippet?
Need a past Snippets? Below you can search for a Snippet by title, number, or category. To sort the entire list, click on the column heading and choose whether to sort in ascending or descending order. Or, type a word into the search box to see all of the Snippets that have that word in the title. For example, entering the word “executive” will show you a snippet on executive session and executive committees. Entering the word “agenda” will give you consent agendas, agenda checklist, and agenda development.
Once you locate the Snippet you want, just click on the pdf icon on the left side of the table. From there you can download, print, or save the Snippet. Just remember – no changing content or identifying information, please.