We offer three primary types of services: meeting support, bylaws and rules consultation, and leadership training. We are committed to providing you and your organization with the services and materials you need to make sure your next meeting is a great meeting! Click here to contact us for more information on our services.
Meeting Parliamentarian Services
When is the last time you heard someone say: “I just came from a great meeting!” We define a great meeting as one that stays on track, is fair, and reaches clear decisions. We believe that people get involved because they want to make a difference, and their time is far too valuable to waste on confusion about procedures, wordsmithing bylaws, or insecurity about how to make one’s voice heard. We seek to prevent the preventable and plan for the unexpected.
Bylaws and Rules
Bylaws don’t have to be long, confusing, or difficult to read! They should be clear, concise, and describe the structure and flow of authority in the association. This requires the assistance of someone who has experience with association governance and respect for each association’s unique culture.
Leadership Training
We offer customized training for our clients, speak at leadership training conferences, and conduct topic-specific webinars. We provide board orientation, delegate training, and officer coaching to help everyone become comfortable in their roles.
“The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is really a large matter — it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
— Mark Twain