A Great Meeting Needs a Great Treasurer eBook

The fundamental nature of the treasurer’s position is more closely linked to the size of the association than any of the other leadership positions. The treasurer of a local club will likely be the sole keeper of the association’s financial records and perform all of the tasks associated with the position, while the treasurer of a large national association will probably never write a check or make a deposit. We refer to the treasurer who performs the financial tasks as the practicing treasurer, and the treasurer who works with a paid staff who performs the financial tasks as the fiduciary treasurer. Whatever the tasks, all treasurers have the responsibility to serve as the elected custodian of the association’s funds. Like the other tools in the Great Leaders Collection, there are two sections: a front section has tabs for how to make the transition from one treasurer to another, basic records, and instructions for conducting audits, creating budgets, and other financial reports and a back section containing forms and templates for invoices, receipts, reimbursements, and a variety of reports. Sample financial policies are also included. A Great Meeting Needs a Great Treasurer is the perfect resource for the treasurer.

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