News: Nightmare board meeting dragged on for hours

The Tallahassee Democrat ( Tallahassee, FL ) I heard about a nonprofit board meeting that sounded too unbelievable to be true and not in a good way. The meeting was scheduled for 6 p.m. but before the chair called the meeting to order everyone sat around the table...

News: Dispute with school will head to court

The Block Island Times ( Block Island, RI ) A 2-0 vote by the New Shoreham School Committee will apparently end Marsha Gutierrez’s career at the Block Island School without health benefits in her retirement package, and, according to her attorney, Gutierrez is...

Quorum must be met to approve change in financial reporting

myPalmBeachPost (FL) Question: We are a small HOA community with 50 homes and an approximately $180,000 budget. As the time comes near to do the compiled financial statements that are required by Florida Statutes 720.303(7), we are looking at ways that we can better...
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