Announcing: February 2018 Snippet

The Meeting Snippet for February 2018 is entitled “The Chair’s Work Area.” It should be posted on February 1, 2018.

Quorum must be met to approve change in financial reporting

myPalmBeachPost (FL) Question: We are a small HOA community with 50 homes and an approximately $180,000 budget. As the time comes near to do the compiled financial statements that are required by Florida Statutes 720.303(7), we are looking at ways that we can better...

News: Georgia PTA election a chaotic affair

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Most people don’t associate their PTA with political intrigue, but the Georgia PTA turned an often boring annual election of state leaders into a fevered process that went half a day past the deadline, with candidates’ speeches pushed...

News: Vallejo school board divided over LCAP budget

By John Glidden, Vallejo Times-Herald For a brief time Wednesday night, a majority of the Vallejo school board rejected a crucial part of the new fiscal year budget. The move prompted the Vallejo City Unified School District interim superintendent to question whether...
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