News: City rule changes hit wall

Echo Press (Alexandria, Minnesota): The complex process of changing Alexandria’s charter — the 57-year-old document that serves as the city’s constitution — hit a rocky patch Monday night. Out of 14 amendments the city council considered, only four...

News: Teamster Locals Ordered to Modernize Bylaws

Deadline Hollywood: The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has ordered its locals all across the country to modernize their bylaws. The changes, which were adopted at the IBT’s convention went into effect January 1. The locals were ordered to tell their members...

News: Diversion group changes open meeting rules

Silver City Daily Press . . .Robert’s Rules of Order is a guide to conducting meetings through which decisions should best be made as a group. It has set the standard by which meetings, especially in lower levels of government, have been conducted in the United States...

Political News: Hacking Democratic Rules Isn’t Good Government

Bloomberg: On a list of topics of broad general interest to the reading public, “parliamentary procedure” used to fall somewhere between “competitive badminton” and “advanced topics in topiary design.” Now, however, it is having a moment in the limelight, thanks to...

News: RBS investors call for governance changes to improve transparency

The Guardian Shareholder committee ‘would prevent poor stewardship’ at Royal Bank of Scotland to avoid rerun of near collapse. About 160 investors are calling for the Royal Bank of Scotland to shore up corporate governance by creating a shareholder committee to sniff...
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